David Evans

David Evans

Director of Enterprise Architecture


David Evans is a serial entrepreneur with deep expertise in the commercial development and application of software. Originally trained as software engineer, he and two colleagues formed a hardware/software consulting company straight out of college, which grew to be the largest PC technology company in Australia. Moving into management, he built and ran the UK subsidiary. After that he returned to software, where he developed commercial applications using Microsoft technologies and consulted across a broad spectrum of organizations to solve challenging information architecture and integration problems.

Born in New Guinea, raised in various places, double degree in Physics and Electrical Engineering, Masters of Cognitive Science, now residing in Southern California.

Some of the most fun he has had in recent years has been mentoring his son’s high school FIRST robotics team – they have made it to the World Championships twice in that period. Another abiding passion is sailing – small boats, large boats, skipper, crew…

By the Numbers


Countries lived in


Countries sailed in


Average books in current reading queue