Ross Kinnaird

Ross Kinnaird



Ross Kinnaird is a Director for Bespoke Partners. Before joining Bespoke, Ross was an Associate Brand Manager for the Dr. Pepper brand at Keurig Dr. Pepper. Before KDP, Ross spent time at 7-Eleven, Inc. as an analytical resource working on the frontlines of the company’s digital transformation efforts. Prior to 7-Eleven, Inc., Ross graduated from the full-time MBA program at SMU Cox in Dallas, with concentrations in Marketing and Strategy.

Before obtaining his MBA, Ross spent time in sales at a B2B social media SaaS company in Austin, called Spredfast (now known as Khoros). Prior, Ross worked at GLG in Austin, TX for 5 years where he recruited experts and business executives for private equity firm clients. During the last ~2 years of Ross’s tenure at GLG, he recruited for the firm’s start-up placements practice, helping place executives for private equity-backed portfolio companies.

Ross’s professional career began in Victoria, TX where he was a TV sports anchor. Ross got his undergraduate degree in Broadcast Journalism from Syracuse University.

By the numbers


Approximate number of times someone has said I look like Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory


Number of feet I rappelled down a waterfall in Monteverde, Costa Rica


Number of favorite NBA player growing up