How Old School Generalist Recruiters Create Talent Market Blind Spots, Cut Recruiting Effectiveness

How Old School Generalist Recruiters Create Talent Market Blind Spots, Cut Recruiting Effectiveness

How Old School Generalist Recruiters Create Talent Market Blind Spots, Cut Recruiting Effectiveness

Authored By Eric Walczykowski​, Adam Boone

Eric Walczykowski
Adam Boone

You wouldn’t go to your general practitioner doctor for brain surgery. So why do some companies hire non-specialized recruiters to perform searches for mission-critical leadership roles?

In fact, relying on an old-school generalist recruiter has a profound impact on the duration of a search and the quality of the outcomes.

Part 2: 

The New Recruiting Best Practices Blog Series


How Functionally Specialized Firms Outperform


How Data-Driven Search Processes Produce Faster, Better Results

The choice is between search firms with partners who specialize in particular roles and those whose partners will try to recruit for any role at all.

Even a cursory look at the metrics shows that one approach is dramatically better than the other for high-stakes searches.

What is Functional Specialization?

Just like medical professionals specialize in particular types of medicine or surgical techniques, executive recruiters can specialize in certain types of searches.

Simply put, a functionally specialized firm orients its partners and their recruiters to go deep on one of five specific functional roles: CEO and P&L leadership; finance leadership; go-to-market (GTM) leadership such as sales and marketing; technology leaders; and human capital leadership. 

These five categories of leaders cover all the primary functions in a viable company.

In contrast, the partner in a traditionally organized search firm will chase anything that moves. Today, she might be recruiting a CEO. Tomorrow it might be a CRO. The next day? A CFO.

So just like you would not want your family doctor to perform delicate brain surgery, why would you want that generalist search firm to look for executives who are central to your company’s wellbeing and success?

Partners Focus on One Functional Area

At Bespoke Partners, our strategy is simple yet powerful: every partner focuses exclusively on one functional area. Whether it’s a CEO, CTO, CFO, or any other C-suite position, our partners dedicate their careers to mastering the nuances and intricacies of their chosen domain.

Here is what that specialization means for clients:


Deep Expertise:

Our CFO recruiters, for instance, don’t just know CFOs—they know them on a personal They understand when a CFO is ready to make a move and what factors will motivate them to take on a new challenge. This depth of knowledge is not something you get from a generalist recruiter.


Every Conversation Counts:

Each interaction our partners have builds on previous ones, allowing them to solve your search in record time. They don’t dabble in their functional areas; they know them This includes not only understanding the value creation levers for a role but also knowing what those levers mean in the context of a specific company’s strategy.


The Best Candidates Know Us:

Because we know the functional areas better than any other firm, candidates know we will not waste their time with roles that are not a fit.

That’s why the vast majority will take our calls every time.

In contrast, the generalist search firm’s view of and access to the market will be based mostly on luck.

Ask these questions if you are considering a generalist firm:


How extensive is the recruiter’s network in the space?

Or were they lucky enough to have recent contact with a relevant candidate?


Does the recruiter really understand the essential nuances of the role?

When the recruiter presents your company, will the candidate be impressed with the detailed understanding of the functional area?


Will the talent market view you get from this recruiter reflect the true state of the market,

or are you limited by the recruiter’s own “blind spots” and limited experience in that functional area?

The Numbers Tell the Tale

The industry’s average search timeline for an experienced C-level leader ranges from around 180-200 days for functional department heads to often more than twice that for a CEO. These timelines reflect the time it takes for the typical generalist firm to identify the best candidates and ultimately close one.

Our numbers for our functional practices are very different. Consider:

P&L Leader Practice


CEOs, General Managers, Presidents, and Board Members.


180+ P&L leader placements with an average search days-to-close DTC of less than 100; 38 exits and $26.4 billion in enterprise value created.

Finance Practice


CFOs, VPs of Finance, FP&A, Controllers, Treasurers.


276 finance leader placements with an average DTC of Our placed finance leaders have had a hand in 81 exits and generation of $77 billion in enterprise value.

Go-To-Market Practice


CROs, CMOs, VPs of Sales, VPs of Marketing, Chief Customer Officers.


290 placed leaders, with an average DTC of These leaders have been part of $43 billon in value creation and 23 exits.

Bespoke Product
& Technology Practice


CTOs, CPOs, VPs of Engineering, VPs of Product, CIOs, CISOs.


140 placed executives, generating 24 exits and $27 billion in enterprise value, with an average DTC of 87.

Bespoke Human
Capital Practice


Chief People Officers, CHROs, VPs of HR.


Our newest practice, we have placed 100 HR executives with an average DTC of These executives have taken part in 7 exits and have been part of generating $4.8 billion in enterprise value.

Team-Based Approach and Collaboration

Functional specialization isn’t just about individual expertise; it’s also about collaboration. Our partners work together to leverage their collective knowledge for the benefit of our clients. This team-based approach ensures that each search is informed by the insights and experiences of our entire firm, not just one individual.


Referral System:

Each partner refers work to the partner best qualified to handle the job, ensuring that clients receive the highest level of service possible.


Weekly Functional Team Meetings:

Our functional teams meet weekly to discuss active searches, share ideas, and exchange knowledge about the function and its key


Weight of the Firm:

By pooling resources and expertise, our team-based approach allows us to bring the full weight of Bespoke Partners to every search, rather than relying on the capabilities of a single recruiter.


95% Success Rate:

Executives placed by Bespoke Partners have a 95% success rate of staying in their roles for at least two years, double the industry average.

95 Days to Close:

On average, our searches are completed in 95 days, half the industry average.

83% Conversion Rate:

Our executive conversion rate is 83%, nearly double the industry average.

Our functional specialization isn’t just a strategy—it’s a proven approach that consistently delivers better outcomes for our clients.

By focusing on specific functional areas, our partners bring deep expertise and unparalleled efficiency to every search.

So why settle for generalists when you can work with specialists who know the industry cold? Get in touch today to discuss how we can solve your critical leadership searches.

Bespoke Partners Named in Top 10 of the “Top 49 Retained Executive Search” 2-Years Running by C-Suite CV Secure.

top 49 search firms 2 years in a row - bespoke partners
Eric Walczykowski

Eric Walczykowski

Chief Executive Officer

Eric is passionate about building high-performing teams that value doing their best, working together, overcoming adversity and learning.

As a proven growth executive, Eric has served as CEO, President, Board Member, Investor and Advisor for technology companies that achieved over $4.5B in successful exits.

Eric brings to Bespoke Partners significant professional services experience from Deloitte and Andersen, as well as the high-growth client executive perspective for private equity-backed technology companies.

Eric earned an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and a BS in Business from Fresno State University.

Adam Boone


Adam Boone
Chief Marketing Officer

Boone has led marketing, demand generation, branding, product management, services marketing, or alliances marketing programs for numerous successful companies including Avaya-acquisition Sipera, Sequoia start-up Syndesis, Subex, CoManage, and others. He has driven joint marketing programs and go-to-market initiatives with iconic industry leaders including Microsoft, IBM, GE, AT&T, Oracle, Comcast, Cisco, Ciena and Samsung.

Boone holds an MBA in Business Strategy from the WP Carey School of Business at Arizona State University and completed the Competitive Marketing Strategy Program at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.


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‘Software is Eating the World’ And Most Search Firms Are What’s For Dinner

‘Software is Eating the World’ And Most Search Firms Are What’s For Dinner

‘Software is Eating the World’ And Most Search Firms Are What’s For Dinner

Authored By Eric Walczykowski​, Adam Boone

Eric Walczykowski
Adam Boone

“Why Software is Eating the World” was the title of a legendary blog posting by tech industry icon Marc Andreessen.

The co-founder of Netscape and venture capital firm Andreessen Horowitz (A16z) was beyond prescient when he wrote that 13 years ago.

The same year is when Kristie Nova founded our firm, Bespoke Partners, with our unique exclusive focus on executive recruiting for software and SaaS companies.

Part 1: 

The New Recruiting Best Practices Blog Series


Sector Focus Drives Better Outcomes in Software


How Function Specialist Firms Outperform

And today, as software and SaaS companies reach new levels of transformational innovation generating trillions of dollars in value, one part of the world that has been profoundly changed is the world of executive search.

If you are working with a generic, jack-of-all-trades recruiting firm that focuses on any industry, you are setting yourself up for slower searches with worse outcomes. Simply put, these firms don’t have the expertise to understand the sector or the clock speed to deliver at the industry’s pace.

Software Eats the World 

In the years since Marc’s statement, the software and SaaS markets have experienced tremendous growth and transformation, reshaping industries and business models across the globe. 

The SaaS model became a dominant force, offering scalable, cloud-based solutions that eliminated the need for costly IT infrastructure. Companies like Salesforce and Adobe led the charge, with Salesforce seeing its revenue grow from $2.27 billion in 2012 to over $31 billion in 2023, reflecting the increasing reliance on SaaS platforms by enterprises worldwide​(MattermarkMcKinsey & Company). 

This shift wasn’t limited to tech companies; traditional industries, from finance to healthcare, have been deeply transformed by software and SaaS. For example, a JPMorgan Chase executive described her firm as a technology company that happens to hold a banking license, emphasizing how integral software has become to its operations ​(CHM). 

Today, the ongoing evolution of AI and machine learning has further accelerated this transformation of all the world’s companies, large and small. 

And Talent Is Driving

In years past, private equity investors relied on proprietary deal flow and financial engineering to create value and achieve an investment thesis. 

Today, it is universally understood that leadership talent is the overriding factor for creating outsized returns.  

Since Kristie founded Bespoke Partners, we have exclusively targeted the software executive market, a decision that has been fundamental to our success.  

Why software? The answer lies in the complexity and rapid evolution of the software industry, where success is driven by a unique set of skills and experiences that are not easily transferrable from other industries.  

By focusing solely on software, we have developed a deep understanding of the industry’s dynamics, from the specific challenges faced by different software subsectors to the strategic initiatives that drive growth. 

Where the Generalist Firms Fail

Most executive search firms are generalists and are willing to take on any senior executive search regardless of industry. This is why time and again we are brought in by clients where searches have stalled or failed to produce any meaningful results even after many months.

It’s our specialization in software that enables us to deliver better candidates faster than these old school firms. Specifically:


For Clients:

Our software specialization ensures that we can quickly identify and engage with top talent who are not only qualified but are also the perfect cultural fit for the organization. Our deep industry knowledge allows us to anticipate market trends and recommend executives who can lead companies through periods of rapid change and growth.


For Candidates:

Executives know that when Bespoke calls, it’s because we have a genuine opportunity that aligns with their expertise and career aspirations. This reputation has led to an 82% executive conversion rate—meaning that when we reach out to potential candidates, they answer the call. This conversion rate far exceeds the industry norm and is how our clients get the most comprehensive and accurate view of the software and SaaS talent market.

Talent Coverage Across Software Sub-Sectors

Bespoke Partners doesn’t just focus on software as a whole; we actively cover 27 software subsectors, ranging from the hottest early growth areas to buyout segments. This extensive coverage allows us to not only serve these sectors but also play a critical role in shaping them.

Our analysts study companies, transactions, and key executives within these subsectors, providing us with the insights needed to understand who the key players are, who’s available, and who might be a good step-up candidate for a role.





Martech & Adtech


















Real Estate


Supply Chain




BI / Analytics








Entertainment & Recreation


Blockchain & Web3


Manufacturing & Industrials








Hospitality & Travel






IoT Software

We are trusted advisors not just during the search process but often as early as the LOI phase, where sponsors consult with us on talent strategy before making an investment. Our ability to identify and place the right executives, often those who are a step up from their current roles, has made us an indispensable partner in the success of our clients. 


Bespoke’s performance for software and SaaS companies across 27 subsectors:


placement success rate – our leaders stay in seat at least 1 year post placement


sofware companies transformed


exits and M&A transactions by our software company


enterprise value created

Bespoke Partners’ singular focus on software executive search is not just a strategy—it’s a proven formula for success.

Our deep industry expertise, combined with our comprehensive coverage of 27 software subsectors, allows us to deliver results that are unmatched in the industry. Whether you’re looking to fill a critical leadership position or need strategic advice on your talent acquisition, Bespoke Partners is uniquely positioned to deliver

Bespoke Partners Named in Top 10 of the “Top 49 Retained Executive Search” 2-Years Running by C-Suite CV Secure.

top 49 search firms 2 years in a row - bespoke partners
Eric Walczykowski

Eric Walczykowski

Chief Executive Officer

Eric is passionate about building high-performing teams that value doing their best, working together, overcoming adversity and learning.

As a proven growth executive, Eric has served as CEO, President, Board Member, Investor and Advisor for technology companies that achieved over $4.5B in successful exits.

Eric brings to Bespoke Partners significant professional services experience from Deloitte and Andersen, as well as the high-growth client executive perspective for private equity-backed technology companies.

Eric earned an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University and a BS in Business from Fresno State University.

Outside of work, Eric enjoys spending time with family, coaching baseball, travel, attending live events and sipping good wine.

Adam Boone


Adam Boone
Chief Marketing Officer

Boone has led marketing, demand generation, branding, product management, services marketing, or alliances marketing programs for numerous successful companies including Avaya-acquisition Sipera, Sequoia start-up Syndesis, Subex, CoManage, and others. He has driven joint marketing programs and go-to-market initiatives with iconic industry leaders including Microsoft, IBM, GE, AT&T, Oracle, Comcast, Cisco, Ciena and Samsung.

Boone holds an MBA in Business Strategy from the WP Carey School of Business at Arizona State University and completed the Competitive Marketing Strategy Program at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

In his personal time, Boone enjoys travel, fine food and wine, mountain biking, playing and listening to music, and movies.


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